tirsdag 15. februar 2011

ICT - a challenge for education?

A kindergarten should be a learning organization, and able to meet new demands and challenges. Kindergarten can not obt out of the digital tools that have become part of the society the children live in. Kindergarten must ensure that the children get support for their curiosity and desire to learn even in the digital area.

An important prerequisite for this is that the staff can use digital tools and give children challenges in line with their knowledge and skills. Lack of expertise and what views the adults have in ICT will determind whether children will be able to use digital tools on an educationel manner in kindergarten.

Pc can, with the right programs, be a good tool to develop skills in children with learning problems, not least because it is a very patient teacher! One can use the computer as an aid to crack the read/write code, since the pc have a natural interence between upper and lower case. I have seen children struggeling to write with pencil, doing much better on the computer. pc vs writing (Trageton)

we have all different views of pc, but it is probably few who are indiffrent. some belive that computers will make children anti-social and threaten their playful and creative abilities. I have found that children use computers as a toy, jointly explore and learn from each other, they talk together and through drawing, animation, audio and video programs receive the opportunity to develop and master other form of expression. Use of computers can become an extension at play and experessive posibilities.
ICT a challange for education?
This video inicates one way how to learn to count to 5:

1 kommentar:

  1. Så flink du er, Unni! Jeg må nok vise lillemor apevideoen i morgen, hun synes de er så morsomme. :)
